The sessions are a bit of a stretch for my budget. Do you have payment plans?

YES. I understand a budget. Let me know if you're under financial constraints and we'll work out a plan. Your newborn is only a newborn for a short period of time. I don't want you to miss out on that.

What if the weather doesn't cooperate?

Sometimes, if it's particularly gloomy, we'll reschedule in order to get the best light for your images.

My house is a mess. I don't know if we can do photos there.

Trust me, all we need is a window. I'll push the clutter off to the side and use a few tricks to work around it. Your clutter doesn't bother me.

How many pictures can we expect and will you edit them?

Typical sessions deliver 40-60 images - but there's no cap! All images come fully edited in B&W and colour.

I’m worried about my children’s behaviour.

I say it again and again, children run the show during your session. I have my tricks to bring the energy up or down, but I'm NOT worried about their behaviour. Neither should you! I've seen tantrums and they don't scare me. Relax, love on them, have a few snacks on hand, and everything will be just fine.

What happens If I want extra editing done?

I get it! Sometimes you want that double chin gone, or flaky skin edited out. Most of this is included, however if the editing is extensive, there may be an additional fee.